Owner: Space Enterprises

Target: Pre-school

Description: Discover the adventures of an endearing family of bees that lives in a hive. The story revolves around Buzbee, a young bee, around 5 years old; Mamma Bee, Pappa Bee and Buzbee’s sister Rubee. It’s a very modern, very colorful, series that helps little kids understand contemporary daily life in a simple — and very positive – way.

Highlights: A long-running pre-school brand with a great broadcast platform: In the UK (ITV1/CITV), in Australia (ABC) and in Finland (YLE), also on Disney JR in more than 150 territories, including Spain.Based on a successful cartoon series (78 x 7’)

Outstanding ratings in many different countries: the most-viewed series on Disney JR and the second most-viewed in its CITV slot (in the UK).

Master Toy: Mookie

Numerous partners for different product categories: Leap Frog (educational and interactive games), Avanquest (videogames), Ravensburger (puzzles), Igloo (books), etc.

BRB Internacional manages the brand’s rights in Spain and Portugal.

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