Format: Animation 2D, 4K – 52 episodes x 5’
Genre: Adventure’s comendy
Target age: Children 6 – 11 years old & Families
Languages: Spanish, English & Portuguese
Owner: Etermax
Status: Ready for delivery 20 episodes x 2’ / Available for Spain, Portugal & Latam territories / Lookign for co-production
“Triviatopia” is the land of curious minds, lovers of knowledge and adventure seekers. It’s also home to a cast of six quirky, upbeat heroes based on each of the cherished characters from Trivia Crack’s knowledge categories: Tina represents arts and creativity, Hector loves history, Pop sets the trends of the entertainment, Bonzo represents strength in sports, Tito explores geography and Alison brings her knowledge of science. Together they make up a great team, and thanks to the curiosity that characterizes them and their different visions of the world, they never miss the opportunity to learn in each of their journeys.
An original animated series from the creators of the worldwide-hit game Trivia Crack.