BRB Internacional inaugurates today the channel ANIMAKIDS on YouTube. BRB’s multi-platform portal, ANIMAKIDS.COM, thus extends its reach on Google’s popular website, and also widens its offer by incorporating to its catalogue productions that are not BRB properties.
In fact, the channel ANIMAKIDS on YouTube makes its premiere with various recompilations from recent productions from the BRB factory – Bernard, Suckers, Angus&Cheryl …. –, also episodes of series in high demand by audiences on a world level – starting with Iron Kid – and likewise series from other producers – which is the case of Qumi-Qumi and Shaman’s Quest from Toonbox, both available in Spain and Latin America –. And, periodically, the channel will refresh its content with new titles.
In the words of Marijo Arnáiz, the Director of Digital Media at BRB Internacional: “ANIMAKIDS.COM continues growing as a global family entertainment portal, just as we promised at its launch. Now, ANIMAKIDS adds its name to the other twenty-two channels that BRB has on YouTube and which draw more than 40 million viewers each month over all. And besides that, the new channel brings with it the incorporation of outside productions, a logical step since we are YouTube cartoon aggregators on a global level”.